Managing CGM Arrow Anxiety: 5 Strategies for Peace of Mind with Type 1 Diabetes

Managing anxiety around continuous glucose monitor (CGM) arrows is a common experience for many with Type 1 diabetes. Those tiny arrows, showing whether blood sugar is rising, falling, or staying steady, can stir up immediate reactions, especially when we feel uncertain about the right response. Here's a deeper dive into why this happens and some tips on how to manage that stress more effectively.

Why Do CGM Arrows Trigger Anxiety?

For many, those arrows are a visual reminder of the unpredictability of Type 1 diabetes. A steady blood sugar level can change in minutes, and even with the best tools, it’s impossible to predict exactly how your body will respond to food, exercise, stress, or insulin. This can make those arrows feel like pressure points: should I act now or wait? What if I overcorrect? What if I do nothing and things get worse?

This fear often stems from the fact that even small missteps in managing high or low blood sugar can cause a frustrating cycle of highs and...

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What Non-Diabetics Should Understand About Type 1 Diabetes: Insights from T1D Warriors

diabetic support Nov 01, 2023

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. I recently asked my T1D Instagram followers what they would like non-diabetics to know about the condition. Here’s what they said:

"It’s Not Caused by Diet or Lifestyle. It is an autoimmune disease, meaning it’s not caused by a poor diet or an unhealthy lifestyle. –thediabeticfighter

"It doesn’t 'get easier'. No matter how long you’ve lived with it, it is an anomaly every day and while someone can be doing a good job managing it, that’s not to say it’s easy for them." - aligal06

"It's constant even when we sleep. Get up to go to the bathroom middle of the night? Check. It's so much more than a non-t1 will ever know." - thjryisin

"It's not 'just diabetes.' It’s living under constant awareness that my life hangs in the balance and is completely dependant on my ability to do math and be prepared for most anything in any situation." - 3girlslee

"While I appreciate the concern so much- please...

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