Managing CGM Arrow Anxiety: 5 Strategies for Peace of Mind with Type 1 Diabetes

Managing anxiety around continuous glucose monitor (CGM) arrows is a common experience for many with Type 1 diabetes. Those tiny arrows, showing whether blood sugar is rising, falling, or staying steady, can stir up immediate reactions, especially when we feel uncertain about the right response. Here's a deeper dive into why this happens and some tips on how to manage that stress more effectively.

Why Do CGM Arrows Trigger Anxiety?

For many, those arrows are a visual reminder of the unpredictability of Type 1 diabetes. A steady blood sugar level can change in minutes, and even with the best tools, it’s impossible to predict exactly how your body will respond to food, exercise, stress, or insulin. This can make those arrows feel like pressure points: should I act now or wait? What if I overcorrect? What if I do nothing and things get worse?

This fear often stems from the fact that even small missteps in managing high or low blood sugar can cause a frustrating cycle of highs and...

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DF Sugar-Free Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies

Craving something sweet but want to stay on track with your goals? My sugar-free chocolate chip protein cookies are the perfect guilt-free treat!

Ingredients: (12 cookies)

  • 1 ½ cups almond flour
  • 1 scoop vanilla or chocolate protein powder
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ cup sugar-free sweetener (like erythritol or monk fruit)
  • ¼ cup melted coconut oil or unsalted butter
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ½ cup sugar-free chocolate chips
  • Optional: 1-2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk (if dough is too dry)


  1. Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

  2. Mix Dry Ingredients: In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together almond flour, protein powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar-free sweetener.

  3. Combine Wet Ingredients: In another bowl, mix the melted coconut oil (or butter), egg, and vanilla extract until well combined.

  4. Form the Dough: ...

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Unlocking Fat Loss: The Importance of Keeping Insulin Levels Low

When it comes to fat loss, we often focus on calories in versus calories out, but there's another crucial player in the game: insulin. Understanding how insulin works and why keeping its levels low can be a game-changer in your fat loss journey is essential.

What is Insulin?

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Its primary job is to shuttle glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream into your cells, where it can be used for energy or stored for later use. While insulin is vital for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, it also plays a significant role in how your body stores and burns fat.

1. Insulin as a Fat Storage Hormone

When you consume carbohydrates, they are broken down into glucose and released into your bloodstream. In response, your pancreas releases insulin to help cells absorb this glucose. If your cells don't need immediate energy, insulin signals your body to store the excess glucose as glycogen in your liver and muscles,...

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Vacationing with Type 1 Diabetes: Essential Tips for a Stress-Free Getaway

Ready for a vacation but worried about managing your T1D? Here are some essential tips to keep your blood sugar in check while enjoying your getaway!

Pack Snacks and Protein Powder

Always have healthy snacks and protein powder on hand. These can be lifesavers when you need a quick, blood sugar-friendly bite. Think nuts, seeds, sugar-free protein bars, and powdered shakes. Having these readily available can prevent unexpected blood sugar dips and help you maintain a balanced diet even on the go.

Plan Dining Out

Research and plan your meals ahead of time. Look up menus online and choose restaurants that offer healthy options. Don’t be afraid to ask about ingredients or make special requests! Knowing your meal choices in advance can help you avoid high-carb, high-sugar options that could disrupt your blood sugar levels.

Adjust Your Basal for Increased Activity

Vacations often mean more walking and activities. Adjust your basal insulin rates to accommodate increased physical...

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Low-Carb JACKED Muffins

Looking for a high protein, high healthy fats, low carb treat of awesomeness? Look no further. 

Ingredients (makes 6):

2 Scoop Protein Powder
50g Almond Butter
40g Coconut Oil (warm)
10g Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
30g Almond Flour (6 tablespoons)
8 oz Canned Pure Pumpkin
1⁄4 tsp Baking Soda


  • Preheat oven to 350F
    • Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
    • Mix thoroughly.
    • In a lined muffin pan, fill each space dividing the batter into 6 equal parts.
    • Bake for 18-20 minutes.
    • Let cool.

Approx. per muffin: Calories: 166.67 cals Carbs: 8.33g Protein: 16.67g Fats: 7.33g Sugar: >0.83g 


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Unlocking Muscle Growth: Essential Tips for Building Strength with Type 1 Diabetes

Unlocking muscle growth while managing Type 1 Diabetes requires a strategic approach that balances nutrition, exercise, and blood sugar control. In this blog post, we'll explore six essential tips that are tailored to help individuals with T1D build strength and achieve their fitness goals effectively and safely.

1. Keep Your Blood Sugar Stable and In Range:
Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucial for optimal performance and muscle growth. High blood sugar levels hinder nutrient absorption from food, leading to suboptimal muscle development. By keeping blood sugar in check, you create an environment conducive to muscle growth and overall health.

2. Find Your Maintenance Calories and Gradually Increase:
Understanding your calorie needs is the first step in fueling muscle growth. Use online calorie calculators to determine your maintenance calories and consume this amount consistently for a week. Then, gradually increase by 200 calories per day to support muscle building...

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Mastering Blood Sugar Control: Beyond Low Carb Strategies

In the quest for optimal blood sugar management, low-carb diets often take the spotlight. While reducing carbohydrate intake can indeed be beneficial, it's not the only strategy for controlling blood sugar levels. Here are some of my favourties: 

  1. Check sugar content of food: Simply focusing on low-carb options may not be sufficient if those options are still high in sugar. Carbohydrates can be divided into sugars, starches, and fibers. While a low-carb diet aims to reduce overall carbohydrate intake, it's crucial to pay attention to the type of carbohydrates consumed. Sugars can significantly impact blood sugar levels, so checking the sugar content of foods is essential. Opting for foods with lower sugar (3g or less per serving) content can help better manage blood sugar levels.

  2. Make protein sources your main meals: Protein plays a vital role in blood sugar management. Unlike carbohydrates, protein has a minimal effect on blood sugar levels. Including protein-rich...

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7 Support Tips For Friends & Family of Type 1 Diabetics

df tips Jan 31, 2024

Navigating life with Type 1 diabetes presents unique challenges. For the loved ones of those managing this condition, understanding and support play pivotal roles in fostering a healthier and happier journey. Here are my top tips:

  1. Avoid asking about our numbers:

    • People with Type 1 diabetes constantly monitor their blood sugar levels. However, it can be emotionally challenging when others constantly inquire about these numbers. Respecting their privacy and allowing them to share this information voluntarily is important.
  2. Don’t pressure us to eat something:

    • While individuals with Type 1 diabetes can technically eat a variety of foods, the impact on their blood sugar levels varies. Pressure to eat something may cause them to overlook the careful consideration they give to their diet to manage their condition effectively.
  3. Going low makes us feel terrible:

    • Experiencing low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) can be physically and emotionally draining. Understanding the...
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Crush Your Health Goals: The Magic of Tiny Wins

df tips Dec 05, 2023

Hey there!

If you're on a mission to drop some pounds, gain muscle, or keep that blood sugar in check I've got a killer strategy that's about to make your journey much more fun – daily micro goals. These bite-sized tasks might seem small, but they're the secret sauce to building habits, celebrating wins, and keeping your health journey real. Let's break it down and make those big goals a reality!

Building Healthy Habits:

Who said healthy living had to be all or nothing? Daily micro goals are like your backstage pass to forming habits that actually stick. Swap that soda for water, throw in a veggie snack – tiny actions that add up to a lifestyle makeover.

Attaining Small Wins:

Ever heard the saying, "Celebrate the small stuff"? Well, it's a game-changer on this health journey. Every workout, every time you choose a salad over fries – these wins might be small, but they're the high-fives you need to keep going strong.

Controlling Blood Sugar:

Got blood sugar on your...

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World Diabetes Day Interview - VOCM Newfoundland

Uncategorized Nov 16, 2023
Nutrition Coach | Blood Sugar Control Specialist
World Diabetes Day Interview - VOCM Newfoundland

It was a pleasure speaking with Linda Swain of VOCM in Newfoundland. Enjoy! 

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