DF Client Journey: Rachel

Uncategorized Jun 15, 2023

For this post, I’m turning over the blog to my awesome client Rachel to share this really amazing testimonial she provided. Thank you, Rachel! I’m so proud of your hard work and dedication to your health.

Sugar NO more!!

The last 11 weeks have been a great experience with the Diabetic Fighter Shawn Wicks. I am a triathlete and an Ironman. In the last 6 years, I raced six full Ironmans and more than 10 half Ironmans. I was on a high and in the best physical shape of my life. Alas, I was also a sugar addict. I was fueled by sugar and could not get enough of it. When I was training 20+ hours a week it was not a problem. I could eat whatever I wanted. Then it happened……. I got injured ……probably because of my unhealthy sugar-infested eating…....and was down for six months with crutches and no exercise. The sugar addition though forged on and took over and I in that time gained 20 lbs due to my eating. Being an...

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DF Warm Prawn and Tomato Salad

Salad doesn't always have to be cold! This one is warm and flavourful. 

Ingredients (Serves 2)

10-11 oz prawns
2 medium onions
2 2/3 cup cherry tomatoes
4 tbsp fresh cilantro 
2 cups bean sprouts
2 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp flaked chili peppers 
Juice of 1/2 lime
1 garlic clove
pinch of Himalayan or sea salt


1. Finely chop onion, cilantro, and mash garlic clove. 
2. Heat a pan greased with coconut oil and saute onion and garlic until slightly brown. Add prawns and cook until pink. Add cilantro, bean sprouts, and a pinch of salt, still until done. Set aside and keep warm. 
3. Heat a second pan greased with butter and saute tomatoes on high heat until skins split open. 

4. Transfer tomatoes to a serving bowl and top with prawns and bean sprouts. Squeeze lime juice over top. 

Nutritional Info per Serving (1/2 recipe)
Calories: 273
Fat: 14g
Net Carbs: 9.2g
Protein: 25g 


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5 Kitchen Items I Can't Live Without

These days kitchen space can be limited, so it pays to invest in a few good buys to make cooking and prepping food more fun and enjoyable. Here is a list of kitchen items that I can’t live without. 


  1. Good Quality Wok. While the BBQ is my preferred weapon, the wok is a close second. The wok's unique shape distributes heat evenly and is the best for high-heat cooking of meats and vegetables. Use coconut oil or a splash of sesame oil with fresh garlic for a restaurant-quality stir-fry.

  2. Digital Food Scale. To manage anything you must measure. If blood sugar control, fat loss, or muscle building is one of your goals you must track your intake of calories and macros. Be sure to use a scale that has the option to change from grams to ounces, and kilograms.

  3. Knife Sharpener. A sharp knife is a safe knife and makes the process of prepping and cooking easier and more enjoyable.

  4. Mini Electric Whisk. I literally use this bad boy three or four times a day to froth my...
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6 Tips to Help Spring Clean Your Health

blood sugar control Mar 19, 2023

Well, it's official: spring has sprung! Personally, I find this to be the perfect time of year to do a little health and wellness audit and spruce up your nutrition and exercise routine.

With that in mind, I've compiled 6 of my top tips to help you feel your best as we head into this new season.

  1.           Add something new to your exercise routine. Add a new piece of equipment to your home gym. Incorporate resistance bands, dumbbells, or TRX into your living room workout. Take your bodyweight exercises outside. Signing up for a free trial at a local boxing gym or fitness class is also a great way to connect and make your workouts more enjoyable.

  2.           Level up your self-care. It’s quite common for our needs to end up at the bottom of the list. The reality is, if you’re not at your best, nothing you put your energy into will be at its best. Spring is a great time to pick up some new workout clothes, spend some time...
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DF Client Journey: Deb

transformation Jan 23, 2023

After following Shawn Wicks (@thediabeticfighter) on Instagram for about one year, I finally reached out to him for help with blood sugar control. I developed gestational diabetes with both pregnancies and then one year after my second was born I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I struggled for years trying to maintain good blood sugar control and the more insulin I took the more weight I gained. Over the last few years, I've had a lot of body pain, and low energy, and  medicated for diabetic neuropathy in my feet and hands.

I finally contacted Shawn in April this year (2022) and started working with him. My plan was to work with him for 3 weeks but I continued for several more. This was not easy but the best decision I have ever made with respect to my health.

After working with Shawn I now have an HbA1c of 6.8. I am off all diabetic neuropathy medication because I no longer have neuropathy. Nothing hurts, I have a lot of energy, and the bonus, I've lost 41 pounds.


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DF Sugar Free Nutty 'Sugar' Cookies

Uncategorized Dec 14, 2022

A delicious festive treat that won't impact your blood sugar. Try adding some chopped 85% dark chocolate for a little extra deliciousness. 

Makes 36 Cookies

1/3 cup almond flour
1 cup almond butter
1 1/2 tsp Stevia
1 egg
2 egg whites
2 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp coconut flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup almond slices

1. Preheat oven to 350F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. 
2. In a large bowl, combine almond butter, egg, egg whites, and vanilla and beat well. 
3. In a small bowl, combine almond flour, coconut flour, baking powder, and salt and mix. Add almond butter and mix well. Add sliced almonds. 
4. Drop tablespoon-sized amounts onto baking sheets and bake for 9 to 11 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes on pans and then set on racks to cool completely. 

Nutritional Info per Serving
Calories: 210
Fat: 20g
Net Carbs: 1.6g
Protein: 5g


Here's to your success,

Shawn Wicks
"The Diabetic Fighter"
Nutrition Coach...

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DF Holiday Gift Guide

managing diabetes Dec 01, 2022

It’s about to be the most wonderful time of the year which means there's no better time to dust off my tiny elf hat and serve up some health-related gift ideas (that you may want to add to your own wish list!).

So, here we go;

1. Digital Food Scale: I always say “to manage, we must measure”, and that is most certainly the case when concerned with blood sugar control and weight management. Having a digital food scale to calculate carbs, protein, fats, and total calories is an absolute must. Be sure to use it in combination with a daily food-tracking app such as MyFitnessPal for better tracking.

2. High-Quality Protein Powder: Most people rarely get enough protein daily. Protein is an extremely important aspect of blood sugar control and ensures a fast and flexible metabolism. Aiming for 1 gram of protein per body pound per day is a great place to start. When purchasing a protein, look for a product with 25 grams or more of protein and less than 1g of sugar and...

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7 Things You Might Not Know About Diabetes

managing diabetes Nov 07, 2022

November is Diabetes Awareness Month and I thought I’d share some less commonly known information from a recent Instagram reel to help spread awareness.

First, the basics:

Type 1: This is an autoimmune condition. The pancreas does not produce enough insulin and requires insulin injections to live. 

Type 2: Insulin resistant. The body produces insulin but does not utilize it properly. Can be reversed with diet and cardiovascular exercise over time.


  1. Type 1 was historically known as “juvenile diabetes”. Over the past few decades more and more young adults are being diagnosed – Like me – I was 29. This is known as Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults or LADA.
  2. Insulin is responsible for shuttling energy and nutrients from food out of our bloodstream and into our cells, without it, we essentially starve to death. This was the fate of type 1’s before the discovery of insulin.
  3. High blood sugar not only is detrimental to our physical...
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DF Low-Carb Chili

Need a warm hug on a cold day? A piping hot bowl of my sugar-free low-carb chili should do the trick! 

Ingredients (Serves 8)

1 tbsp EVOO
1 medium onion diced
2 garlic cloves minced
2 jalapeno peppers diced
2 tbsp chili powder
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp fresh cracked black pepper
1/8 tsp cinnamon 
2 lbs. ground beef
2 cans diced tomato


1. Heat EVOO in a deep pot or skillet over medium heat.
2. Add chopped onion, jalapenos, and garlic and saute for 2-3 minutes. 
3. Stir in chili powder, salt, pepper, cinnamon, and cayenne to coat the veggies. Add ground beef and cook until brown, approximately 6-9 minutes. Drain excess liquid.

4. Add tomatoes and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and let simmer for 20-30 minutes.

Nutritional Info per Serving (approx. 1 cup)
Calories: 412
Fat: 31g
Net Carbs: 4.5g
Protein: 26g 


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Travel-Friendly Snacks to Pack On Your Next Trip

I always say “being prepared isn’t just for the Boy Scouts”. Anyone who has spent any time traveling knows that buying food on the road or in airports can break the bank and blow your blood sugar to the moon.

Here are a few of my go-to options to save cash and keep my numbers in range when I’m traveling:

  1. Boiled Eggs, Mixed Nuts, and Turkey Bites. Loaded full of fats, a moderate amount of protein, and calorie dense, this combo is my number one choice for long flights. It keeps me feeling full and satisfied all the while serving as an excellent movie-watching snack on board. You just need to get over the fact that you’re the person peeling boiled eggs on the plane!

  2. Egg Bites. Needing nothing more than eggs, a muffin pan, and whatever else you have in the fridge, these little bad boys are both tasty and satisfying. Don’t be fooled by imposters sold at a big coffee chain (that shall remain nameless), those are full of cornstarch and other...
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